ETTLINGEN, FEBRUARY 7, 2023 – Health and Beauty Germany GmbH was unanimously elected as the German CIDESCO section at the end of 2022 in the CIDESCO General Assembly (Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie) and will represent the world’s largest international association for beauty therapy in Germany from 2023 on. The professional community is represented in over 40 countries and on 5 continents and stands for the following values: first-class education, sustainability, inclusion, comprehensive well-being, global excellence and the best possible customer satisfaction.
Managing Director of Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, Roberto Valente: “We are very proud to be the German section of CIDESCO, which has been the global standard in professional aesthetics for over 70 years. We reaffirm our commitment to the development of the profession of cosmetology and the entire beauty industry according to the highest international standards. Our goal is to promote cosmetic education and training, to support the professional activities of our members and to improve the level of education in Germany. In reference to our motto ‘We believe in the power of beauty!’ we support our members in carrying out their activities as professionally as possible.”
As part of CosmoprofBolognaFiere / Cosmoprof Worldwide, the world’s leading cosmetic trade show organizer, Health and Beauty Germany GmbH has an excellent network and can therefore also promote the international orientation of the training. The CIDESCO diplomas are recognized worldwide and offer cosmeticians the opportunity to find employment in international structures.
Jaqueline Kennedy, Business Development Officer CIDESCO International is pleased about the new representation in Germany: “Health and Beauty Germany, as an international media company and as a trade fair organizer, optimizes the level of this synergy, the communication and the provision of business tools for readers, advertisers, exhibitors and trade fair visitors. In doing so, we share a common goal: to raise the standards of the global beauty and wellness industry so that the consumer experience is safe and first-class. Not only does Health and Beauty Germany have a far-sighted vision in the beauty and wellness industry, but the company believes in the power of beauty, and so do we.”
Membership CIDESCO Germany
Members of CIDESCO Germany become part of an international community committed to maintaining high standards in the beauty industry. Membership of CIDESCO Germany is open to leading schools, universities, beauty and spa centers, clinics, beauticians, therapists, teachers and industry partners in Germany who are seeking a high level of education and the globally recognized CIDESCO diploma. Students are offered the best possible start to a career in the beauty & spa therapy industry. The CIDESCO diploma is the world’s most prestigious qualification in the field of beauty therapy. Studying at a CIDESCO International School guarantees the highest standards of training and examination.
Members of CIDESCO Germany become part of an international community committed to maintaining high standards in the beauty industry. Membership of CIDESCO Germany is open to leading schools, universities, beauty and spa centers, clinics, beauticians, therapists, teachers and industry partners in Germany who are seeking a high level of education and the globally recognized CIDESCO diploma. Students are offered the best possible start to a career in the beauty & spa therapy industry. The CIDESCO diploma is the world’s most prestigious qualification in the field of beauty therapy. Studying at a CIDESCO International School guarantees the highest standards of training and examination. Kyriaki Stringari, Project Manager CIDESCO Germany: “CIDESCO Germany is proud to already count 7 members throughout Germany. Our members benefit from the exclusive opportunity to stand out from other market players by using the CIDESCO logo, being listed on our website and being part of the communication in our professional magazines, newsletters and social media campaigns. In addition, members receive CIDESCO industry guides and information brochures, as well as national and international industry news in German. Last but not least, CIDESCO Germany organizes annual webinars, networking events and exclusive tours to promote CIDESCO and its members’ activities and increase visibility.
Since Health and Beauty Germany operates CIDESCO in Germany, our members benefit from attractive discounts on our BEAUTY FORUM magazines and trade shows.”
CIDESCO Germany represents the interests of the members in Germany and is the contact for all questions concerning CIDESCO International.
CIDESCO Germany will be present at the following events in 2023:
- Education Workshop at Professional Beauty in London, 05.-06.03.2023
- BEAUTY Düsseldorf, 31.03 – 02.04.2023
- BEAUTY Business Days in Hamburg. 29.04.2023
- BEAUTY FORUM Munich, 28.-29.10.2023
For more information and news, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter on the homepage www.cidescogermany.de.
Our social media channels will be available soon:
Instagram: @cidescogermany/ Facebook: Cidesco Germany
Contact person for questions concerning CIDESCO Germany:
Kyriaki Stringari
Senior Manager Sales and Events
Telefon: +49 (0)7243 7278 221 | Mobil: +49 151-2725 4232
E-Mail: kyriaki.stringari@corporatemaster

About the company
The Health and Beauty Group, headquartered in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany, publishes cross-media trade publications under the umbrella brand BEAUTY FORUM; these are among the leading cosmetics trade publications in Europe. The company is integrated into the international network of CosmoprofBolognaFiere / Cosmoprof Worldwide. In addition to the flagship BEAUTY FORUM, the company publishes numerous other magazines, such as MEDICAL by BEAUTY FORUM and BUSINESS by BEAUTY FORUM, as well as COSSMA. The international BEAUTY FORUM trade fairs and professional events are crowd pullers in ten European countries for experts from beauty institutes, spa & wellness facilities, nail studios, pedicure practices, hair salons, pharmacies, specialist retailers and the hotel industry.
BolognaFiere Group is the world’s leading trade fair organizer in the fields of cosmetics, fashion, architecture, construction, art and culture. The Group has more than 80 international trade shows in its portfolio, in particular the most important meeting place in the world for beauty professionals,
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, which was established on the market in 1967 and is held in Bologna, Italy. In 2022, Cosmoprof recorded more than 220,000 visitors from 150 countries around the world, and more than 2,700 exhibitors from 70 countries.
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2023 will be held March 16-20, 2023, in Bologna, Italy. The Cosmoprof platform spans the globe with its events Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna (Italy), Cosmoprof North America (Las Vegas – USA), Cosmoprof India (Mumbai, India), Cosmoprof Asia (Singapore) and Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN (Bangkok, Thailand). The Cosmoprof platform will also strengthen its influence in Europe thanks to the acquisition of the German Health and Beauty Group with the BEAUTY FORUM formats.